2004-11-09 // 8:12 p.m.
Things are starting to look up...

Every two weeks Janie and I send Victoria, Sophia, and Josiah off to their fathers for visitation. That is, of course, when he's up for the arduous task of driving the 1 hour trip down here, or when he hasn't made other plans that don't include his children.

Anyway, I usually dread these weekends. Not because I don't think the kids should see their father, but because of the inevitable problems that arise when the kids return. Whatever progress the kids and I had made during the two weeks, would be nagated during that weekend. Inevitably one or more of the kids act out, and it doesn't take a psychologist to figure out that they are hurting and confused. It's not their fault that their father is more worried about protecting his image than he is about his children's emotional well-being.

That being said, this weekend was different. On Sunday night after putting the kids to bed, Victoria called me back in her room for no other reason than to give me another hug. And today, while I was outside working on the pool, Josiah came up to me and said, "Mr. Steve, remember when I was gone for two days? I missed you."

Yes, I think things are starting to look up...

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Stay away from me - 2004-12-07
you decide - 2004-11-29


